الاول | Introduction to Elizabethan Age |
الثاني | Introduction to William Shakespeare |
الثالث | Introduction to Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” |
الرابع | Act one: scene 1 and scene 2 |
الخامس | Act one: scene 3 and scene 4 |
السادس | Act one: scene 5 |
السابع | Act two: scene 1 |
الثامن | Act two: scene 2 |
التاسع | Act three: scene 1 and scene 2 |
العاشر | Act three: scene 3 and scene 4 |
الحادي عشر | Act four: scene 1 and scene 2 |
الثاني عشر | Act four: scene 3 and scene 4 |
الثالث عشر | Act four: scene 5, scene 6 and scene 7 |
الرابع عشر | Act five: scene 1 |
الخامس عشر | Act five: scene 2 |
السادس عشر | Introduction to Shakespeare’s Comedies |
السابع عشر | Introduction to Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” |
الثامن عشر | “Twelfth Night”: Act One |
التاسع عشر | “Twelfth Night”: Act One |
العشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Two |
الحادي والعشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Two |
الثاني والعشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Three |
الثالث والعشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Three |
الرابع والعشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Four |
الخامس والعشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Four |
السادس والعشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Five |
السابع والعشرون | “Twelfth Night”: Act Five |
الثامن العشرون | Revision |
التاسع والعشرون | Conclusion |
الثلاثون | Questions |