الاول | Romantic poets, general introduction, background, background information on the Romantic Age |
الثاني | William Blake’s life, “Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience” Tyger , The Lamb |
الثالث | William Wordsworth’s The Daffodils |
الرابع | S.T. Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” |
الخامس | S.T. Coleridge’s “Frost At Midnight” |
السادس | “Frost At Midnight” part two |
السابع | Workshop and group-discussion |
الثامن | George Gordon Lord Byron, the Byronic Hero, its characteristics |
التاسع | “When We Two Parted” |
العاشر | “She Walks in Beauty” |
الحادي عشر | Percy Bysshe Shelly “Ode To the West Wind” I, II,III |
الثاني عشر | “Ode to the West Wind” IV, V . |
الثالث عشر | Joh Keats’ Life and poetic style |
الرابع عشر | John Keats “ Ode to A Nightingale” |
الخامس عشر | John Keats “ Ode to A Nightingale” |
السادس عشر | General Introduction and Background Information on the Victorian Age |
السابع عشر | Alfred Lord Tennyson, the Age of Tennyson, his poetic theme and style. |
الثامن عشر | Afred Lord Tennyson, “Tithonus” |
التاسع عشر | “Tithonus” part two |
العشرون | Tennyson’s “Crossing the Bar” |
الحادي والعشرون | Mathew Arnold, his life, poetic style, and ideology |
الثاني والعشرون | “Dover Beach” |
الثالث والعشرون | “Dover Beach”, part two |
الرابع والعشرون | “A Wish” |
الخامس والعشرون | Robert Browning, his life , poetic style, the Browning Society. |
السادس والعشرون | “My Last Duchess” |
السابع والعشرون | D. G. Rossetti, his life, “Barren Spring” |
الثامن العشرون | Thomas Hardy, “The Darkling Thrush” |
التاسع والعشرون | Group discussion |
الثلاثون | Workshop |