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الجامعة الأسلامية

الجامعة الاسلامية

الثانيUnite One
How are things?
الثالثUnite One
How are thing?
الرابعUnite Two
Can I talk Your Coat?
الخامسUnite Two
Can I talk Your Coat?
السادسUnite Three
I am looking for a flat
السابعUnite Three
I am looking for a flat
الثامنEach student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life.
التاسعEach student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life.
العاشرEach student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life.
الحادي عشرEach student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life.
الثاني عشرOral Exam
الثالث عشرOral Exam
الرابع عشرReview for all the course units
الخامس عشرFirst Course Exam
السادس عشرStrategies for developing yours speaking and overcome your errors in the first course
السابع عشرUnite Four
I'd like a refund, please
الثامن عشرUnite Four
I'd like a refund, please
التاسع عشرUnite Five
Is there anything on?
العشرونUnite Five
Is there anything on?
الحادي والعشرونUnite six
I've got a pain in my arm
الثاني والعشرونUnite six
I've got a pain in my arm
الثالث والعشرونUnit seven
I could do with a break
الرابع والعشرونPresentation about "your favorite hobby" to enable the students to speak about something they like.
الخامس والعشرونPresentation about "your favorite hobby" to enable the students to speak about something they like.
السادس والعشرونReview for all the unites and teach them how to use to enable them to continue their English learning by themselves
السابع والعشرونOral exam
الثامن العشرونSecond Course Exam
التاسع والعشرون