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الجامعة الأسلامية

الجامعة الاسلامية

الأولIntroducing the course as whole
الثانيCh.9(Semantics): Meaning and semantic features
الثالثCh.9(Semantics): semantic roles
الرابعCh.9(Semantics): lexical relations
الخامسCh.9(Semantics): lexical relations and collocation
السادسCh.10(Pragmatics): Pragmatics + Context
السابعCh.10(Pragmatics): Reference
الثامنCh.10(Pragmatics): Speech acts
التاسعCh.10(Pragmatics): Politeness
العاشرCh.11(Discourse analysis):Discourse analysis
الحادي عشرCh.11(Discourse analysis): Conversation analysis
الثاني عشرCh.11(Discourse analysis): The co-operative principle
الثالث عشرCh.11(Discourse analysis): Background knowledge
الرابع عشرCh. 13 (First language acquisition): Acquisition
الخامس عشرCh. 13 (First language acquisition): The acquisition schedule
السادس عشرCh. 13 (First language acquisition): The acquisition process + Developing morphology
السابع عشرCh. 13 (First language acquisition):Developing syntax
الثامن عشرCh. 13 (First language acquisition):Developing semantics
التاسع عشرCh. 14 (Second language acquisition/learning): Second language learning
العشرونCh. 14 (Second language acquisition/learning): Focus on method
الحادي والعشرونCh. 14 (Second language acquisition/learning): Focus on the learner
الثاني والعشرونCh. 14 (Second language acquisition/learning): Motivation + Input and output
الثالث والعشرونCh. 14 (Second language acquisition/learning): Communicative competence + Applied Linguistics
الرابع والعشرونCh. 20 (Language and culture): Culture + Categories
الخامس والعشرونCh. 20 (Language and culture): Linguistic relativity
السادس والعشرونCh. 20 (Language and culture):Cognitive categories + Social categories
السابع والعشرونCh. 20 (Language and culture): Gender
الثامن العشرون
التاسع والعشرون