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الاسم باللغة العربيةالاسم اللغة الانكليزيةعنوان البحث المنشوررابط البحث المنشوراسم المجلة
احمد جلال محمدAhmed Jalal MohammedThe Association of Antioxidant Effect of Rosuvastatin with the Superoxide Dismutase 2 Enzyme Gene Polymorphism in Coronary Artery Disease Patients at Najaf Governorate Heart Journal
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحيGalal Taha MaatooqProduction of a New Cyclic Depsipeptide by the Culture Broth of Staphylococcus sp. Isolated from Corallina officinalis L. 9 (11) 273, 2019.
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحىGalal T. MaatooqA new antiprotozoal compound from Calendula officinalis Product Research
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحيGalal T. MaatooqOccurrence and Bioactivity Diversity of Thymoquinone: An Overview.doi: 10.21608/odr.2022.154399.1003 Octahedron Drug Research, 1(1), 65-84
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحىGalal T. MaatooqUltra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry for metabolite profiling and biological activity of Stellaria pallida (Dumort) Piré. Chem Res (2023).
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحيGalal T. MaatooqNaturally Occurring Chemicals against Alzheimer’s Disease chapter
د. محمد رجب محمد النجارDr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed ElnagarPotential Apoptotic Activities of Hylocereus undatus Peel and Pulp Extracts in MCF-7 and Caco-2 Cancer Cell Lines
د. محمد رجب محمد النجارDr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed ElnagarNeuroprotective effect of naringin against cerebellar changes in Alzheimer’s disease through modulation of autophagy, oxidative stress and tau expression: An experimental study in Neuroanatomy
د. محمد رجب محمد النجارDr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed ElnagarGreen Synthesis Design, Spectroscopic Characterizations, and Biological Activities of Novel Pyrrole Derivatives: An Application to Evaluate Their Toxic Effect on Cotton Aphids
د. محمد رجب محمد النجارDr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed ElnagarNew insights into the role of berberine against 3-nitropropionic acid-induced striatal neurotoxicity: Possible role of BDNF–TrkB–PI3K/Akt and NF-κB signaling and Chemical Toxicology
الاء كريم منعم عبد Alaa Kareem Muneam AbedProtective Effect of OcimumTenuiflorum Against Negative Effect Filgrastim on Sperm Parameters of Male Rats Electronica de Veterinaria
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحليMajid Mohammad A-Bindari Al-SawahliZein Nanoplatforms for Functional Promotion of Pro-apoptosis and Antiproliferation Induced in Human Breast Carcinoma MCF7 Cells by Pterostilbene Perspective of Recent Advances in Medical Research Vol. 12
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحليMajid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-SawahliDevelopment and optimization of curcumin analog nano-bilosomes using 21.31 full factorial design for anti-tumor profiles improvement in human hepatocellular carcinoma: in-vitro evaluation, in-vivo safety assay Delivery
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحليMajid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-SawahliIntensification of resveratrol cytotoxicity, pro-apoptosis, oxidant potentials in human colorectal carcinoma HCT-116 cells using zein nanoparticles reports
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحليMajid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-SawahliEtodolac Fortified Sodium Deoxycholate Stabilized Zein Nanoplatforms for Augmented Repositioning Profile in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Assessment of Bioaccessibility, Anti-Proliferation, Pro-Apoptosis and Oxidant Potentials in HepG2 Cells
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحليMajid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-SawahliA Brain-Targeted Approach to Ameliorate Memory Disorders in a Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model via Intranasal Luteolin-Loaded Nanobilosomes
علي سليم عبدالرضاAli Saleem Abdulridha Aridhee Association of Toll-like receptors 4 (TLR-4) gene expression and polymorphisms in patients with severe asthma. Med Life
علا حسن الهيباتOla Hasan Al- LahaibatThe Sub(G)-Graph of Direct Product two Dihedral Groups of Prime Research in Mathematicsthis
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محمد عبد العال عبد العزيزMohamed Abdul Aal Abdul AzizChemical composition, antioxidant, cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) JW Moore flower essential oil of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيزMohamed Abdul Aal Abdul AzizPotential Apoptotic Activities of Hylocereus undatus Peel and Pulp Extracts in MCF-7 and Caco-2 Cancer Cell Lines
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيزMohamed Abdul Aal Abdul AzizIntensification of resveratrol cytotoxicity, pro-apoptosis, oxidant potentials in human colorectal carcinoma HCT-116 cells using zein nanoparticles Reports
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيزMohamed Abdul Aal Abdul AzizPhytochemical Biological and Cytotoxic Activities of Calothamnus quadrifidus Leaves Cultivated in Egypt Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين الظالميDhuha Muhsin Al-dhalemiAmeliorated Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Selenium against the Stress Effect on Sperm Quality of Rats of Razi Institute
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين الظالميDhuha Mohsin Al-dhalemiOvine Pasteurellosis Vaccine: Assessment of the Protective Antibody Titer and Recognition of the Prevailing Serotypes of Razi Institute
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين الظالميDuha Al-dhalemiSynthesis and Biological Evaluation of some Quinazoline Derivatives
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين Dhuha Mohsin Al-dhalemi Evaluation of Protective Effect of cardamomum Extraction Against Cyclophosphamide Induced Testicular Degeneration and Cellular Archives
حسين كريم عبود Hussain KiremA Green Product Using Selective Compound for Susceptible Assessment of Copper in Blood Serum Applied Science and Technology
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اسراء محمد كاظم Esraa Mohammed KadhimA Review Study of Antioxidants and The Cinnamon Oil Effects Science Journal for Advance Researc
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساويSadeq AlshimaysaweeA Novel and Efficient Magnetically Recoverable Copper Catalyst for Synthesis of Symmetrical Diaryl Selenides and Sulfides Aromatic Compounds
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساويSadeq AlshimaysaweeRecent Advancements in Metallic Drug-Eluting Implants Pharmaceutics
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساويSadeq AlshimaysaweeEffect of Thyroxine Tablets Treatment on the Oxidative Stress in Hypothyroid Women of Global Pharma Technology
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساويSadeq AlshimaysaweeGlycemic State in Urban and Rural Gestational Diabetic Patients Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساويSadeq AlshimaysaweeSurvey for Tumor Suppressor Gene CHEK2 1100delC Mutation and its Association with Breast Cancer in Iraqi WomenDOI : 10.35124/bca.2019.19.S1.2111Biochemical and Cellular Archives
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساويSadeq AlshimaysaweeInvolvement of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphism with Hypertension in Babylon Province of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (JPSR)
احمد محمد المرسي ابراهيمAhmed mohamed elmorsy ibrahimPharmacophore-linked pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidines as EGFR-TK inhibitors: Synthesis, anticancer evaluation, pharmacokinetics, and in silico mechanistic studies de pharmazie
احمد محمد المرسىAhmed mohamed elmorsy Design, Synthesis, biological Evaluation, and molecular docking studies of novel Pyrazolo[3,4-d]Pyrimidine derivative scaffolds as potent EGFR inhibitors and cell apoptosis inducers Chemistry
احمد محمد المرسىahmed mohamed elmorsyIn vivo- and in silico-driven identification of novel synthetic quinoxalines as anticonvulsants and AMPA inhibitors de pharmazie
احمد محمد المرسيAHMED MOHAMED ELMORSYDesign, synthesis, and molecular docking studies of new [1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline derivatives as potential A2B receptor antagonists Diversity volume 25, pages291–306 (2021)
احمد محمد المرسيAhmed mohamed elmorsyTriazoloquinoxalines-based DNA intercalators-Topo II inhibitors: design, synthesis, docking, ADMET and anti-proliferative evaluations of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry Volume 37, 2022 - Issue 1
احمد محمد المرسيAhmed mohamed elmorsyIn vivo Anticonvulsant and Neurotoxicity Evaluation and Docking Study of Promising Novel [1,5]-Benzodiazepine Derivatives University Scientific Journal Vol.05-Iss.02 (2022) 153-186
احمد محمد المرسىAhmed mohamed elmorsyAntimicrobial screening and pharmacokinetic profiling of novel phenyl-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline analogues targeting DHFR and E. coli DNA gyrase B Chemistry Volume 96, March 2020, 103656