احمد جلال محمد | Ahmed Jalal Mohammed | The Association of Antioxidant Effect of Rosuvastatin with the Superoxide Dismutase 2 Enzyme Gene Polymorphism in Coronary Artery Disease Patients at Najaf Governorate | https://pkheartjournal.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1211 | Pakistan Heart Journal | | | | | | |
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحي | Galal Taha Maatooq | Production of a New Cyclic Depsipeptide by the Culture Broth of Staphylococcus sp. Isolated from Corallina officinalis L. | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6918221/ | Metabolites 9 (11) 273, 2019. | | | | | | |
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحى | Galal T. Maatooq | A new antiprotozoal compound from Calendula officinalis | https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2021.202386 | Natural Product Research | | | | | | |
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحي | Galal T. Maatooq | Occurrence and Bioactivity Diversity of Thymoquinone: An Overview. | doi: 10.21608/odr.2022.154399.1003 | Octahedron Drug Research, 1(1), 65-84 | | | | | | |
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحى | Galal T. Maatooq | Ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry for metabolite profiling and biological activity of Stellaria pallida (Dumort) Piré. | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00044-023-03055-5 | Med Chem Res (2023). | | | | | | |
جلال طه معتوق عبد الحي | Galal T. Maatooq | Naturally Occurring Chemicals against Alzheimer’s Disease | https://shop.elsevier.com/books/naturally-occurring-chemicals-against-alzheimer-s-disease/belwal/978-0-12-819212-2 | Book chapter | | | | | | |
د. محمد رجب محمد النجار | Dr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed Elnagar | Potential Apoptotic Activities of Hylocereus undatus Peel and Pulp Extracts in MCF-7 and Caco-2 Cancer Cell Lines | https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/17/2192 | Plants | | | | | | |
د. محمد رجب محمد النجار | Dr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed Elnagar | Neuroprotective effect of naringin against cerebellar changes in Alzheimer’s disease through modulation of autophagy, oxidative stress and tau expression: An experimental study | https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnana.2022.1012422/full | Frontiers in Neuroanatomy | | | | | | |
د. محمد رجب محمد النجار | Dr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed Elnagar | Green Synthesis Design, Spectroscopic Characterizations, and Biological Activities of Novel Pyrrole Derivatives: An Application to Evaluate Their Toxic Effect on Cotton Aphids | https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/slct.202203191 | ChemistrySelect | | | | | | |
د. محمد رجب محمد النجار | Dr. Mohamed Ragab Mohamed Elnagar | New insights into the role of berberine against 3-nitropropionic acid-induced striatal neurotoxicity: Possible role of BDNF–TrkB–PI3K/Akt and NF-κB signaling | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691523001230?via%3Dihub | Food and Chemical Toxicology | | | | | | |
الاء كريم منعم عبد | Alaa Kareem Muneam Abed | Protective Effect of OcimumTenuiflorum Against Negative Effect Filgrastim on Sperm Parameters of Male Rats | https://veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/171 | Revista Electronica de Veterinaria | | | | | | |
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحلي | Majid Mohammad A-Bindari Al-Sawahli | Zein Nanoplatforms for Functional Promotion of Pro-apoptosis and Antiproliferation Induced in Human Breast Carcinoma MCF7 Cells by Pterostilbene | https://stm.bookpi.org/PRAMR-V12/article/view/9662 | Perspective of Recent Advances in Medical Research Vol. 12 | | | | | | |
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحلي | Majid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-Sawahli | Development and optimization of curcumin analog nano-bilosomes using 21.31 full factorial design for anti-tumor profiles improvement in human hepatocellular carcinoma: in-vitro evaluation, in-vivo safety assay | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10717544.2022.2044938 | Drug Delivery | | | | | | |
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحلي | Majid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-Sawahli | Intensification of resveratrol cytotoxicity, pro-apoptosis, oxidant potentials in human colorectal carcinoma HCT-116 cells using zein nanoparticles | https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-18557-2 | scientific reports | | | | | | |
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحلي | Majid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-Sawahli | Etodolac Fortified Sodium Deoxycholate Stabilized Zein Nanoplatforms for Augmented Repositioning Profile in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Assessment of Bioaccessibility, Anti-Proliferation, Pro-Apoptosis and Oxidant Potentials in HepG2 Cells | https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/15/8/916 | Pharmaceuticals | | | | | | |
ماجد محمد البنداري السواحلي | Majid Mohammad Al-Bindari Al-Sawahli | A Brain-Targeted Approach to Ameliorate Memory Disorders in a Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model via Intranasal Luteolin-Loaded Nanobilosomes | https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4923/14/3/576 | Pharmaceutics | | | | | | |
علي سليم عبدالرضا | Ali Saleem Abdulridha Aridhee | Association of Toll-like receptors 4 (TLR-4) gene expression and polymorphisms in patients with severe asthma. | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8485369/ | J Med Life | | | | | | |
علا حسن الهيبات | Ola Hasan Al- Lahaibat | The Sub(G)-Graph of Direct Product two Dihedral Groups | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364302464_The_SubG-Graph_of_Direct_Product_two_Dihedral_Groups?_sg%5B0%5D=_oePqMLl4s6066gK7AY91SL-qAtPbsmiLCB0HP7ROjpMJV3I8hVzwvvFalwEdpo9UuKSb8UrcLJWiXxat_4xMWh15zCFYoL_QvL4eWLB.CaPsgKBekm7SvaNtdXQShMVYX62wvxuYlip5RgDm3-6DSFOmOLS5G1I7F-4kH5s8rWEiRQSrE67Xl0Asf-a8jQ | Journal of Prime Research in Mathematicsthis | | | | | | |
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيز | Mohamed Abdul Aal Abdul Aziz | Phenolic profile, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, anti-ulcerogenic and hepatoprotective activities of Pimenta racemosa leaves | https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=it&user=DFelQWEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=DFelQWEAAAAJ:yD5IFk8b50cC | BMC complementary and alternative medicine | | | | | | |
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيز | Mohamed Abdul Aal Abdul Aziz | Chemical composition, antioxidant, cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) JW Moore flower essential oil | https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=it&user=DFelQWEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=DFelQWEAAAAJ:ns9cj8rnVeAC | Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry | | | | | | |
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيز | Mohamed Abdul Aal Abdul Aziz | Potential Apoptotic Activities of Hylocereus undatus Peel and Pulp Extracts in MCF-7 and Caco-2 Cancer Cell Lines | https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=it&user=DFelQWEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=DFelQWEAAAAJ:8AbLer7MMksC | Plants | | | | | | |
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيز | Mohamed Abdul Aal Abdul Aziz | Intensification of resveratrol cytotoxicity, pro-apoptosis, oxidant potentials in human colorectal carcinoma HCT-116 cells using zein nanoparticles | https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=it&user=DFelQWEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=DFelQWEAAAAJ:geHnlv5EZngC | Scientific Reports | | | | | | |
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيز | Mohamed Abdul Aal Abdul Aziz | Phytochemical Biological and Cytotoxic Activities of Calothamnus quadrifidus Leaves Cultivated in Egypt | https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=it&user=DFelQWEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=DFelQWEAAAAJ:B3FOqHPlNUQC | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | | | | | | |
محمد عبد العال عبد العزيز | Mohamed Abdul Aal Abdul Aziz | THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF CHALCONE ON TOXOPLASMA GONDII ISOLATED FROM RECURRENT PREGNANCY LOSS CASES IN AL-NAJAF CITY" INVITRO STUDY" | https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=it&user=DFelQWEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=DFelQWEAAAAJ:sSrBHYA8nusC | Journal of Natural Remedies | | | | | | |
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين الظالمي | Dhuha Muhsin Al-dhalemi | Ameliorated Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Selenium against the Stress Effect on Sperm Quality of Rats | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8790969/ | Archives of Razi Institute | | | | | | |
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين الظالمي | Dhuha Mohsin Al-dhalemi | Ovine Pasteurellosis Vaccine: Assessment of the Protective Antibody Titer and Recognition of the Prevailing Serotypes | https://journals.areeo.ac.ir/article_126666.html | Archives of Razi Institute | | | | | | |
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين الظالمي | Duha Al-dhalemi | Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of some Quinazoline Derivatives | https://cdn.fbsbx.com/v/t59.2708-21/312178234_801294851119690_333659641072749307_n.pdf/Synthesis-and-Biological-Evaluation-of-some-Quinazoline-derivatives-2022.pdf?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0cab14&_nc_ohc=NFz0Mpj0Yt8AX9aMHIR&_nc_ht=cdn.fbsbx.com&oh=03_AdTYQhNWyvqmVkochcVJCH9Bx-CNGZiGr2Y0Xo8v8k452A&oe=63A277E9&dl=1 | pharmakeftiki-journal | | | | | | |
ضحى محسن عبدالحسين | Dhuha Mohsin Al-dhalemi | Evaluation of Protective Effect of cardamomum Extraction Against Cyclophosphamide Induced Testicular Degeneration | https://connectjournals.com/toc2.php?abstract=3429102H_4231A.pdf&&bookmark=CJ-033216&&issue_id=02&&yaer=2021 | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | | | | | | |
حسين كريم عبود | Hussain Kirem | A Green Product Using Selective Compound for Susceptible Assessment of Copper in Blood Serum | https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cast/article/view/255190 | Current Applied Science and Technology | | | | | | |
محمد عبدالمنعم عقل سليمان | Mohamed Abd El-monem Akl Solyman | Formulation, and optimization of transdermal Atorvastatin Calcium-Loaded Ultra-flexible vesicles; ameliorates poloxamer 407-caused dyslipidemia | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2023.122917 | International Journal of Pharmaceutics | | | | | | |
اسراء محمد كاظم | Esraa Mohammed Kadhim | A Review Study of Antioxidants and The Cinnamon Oil Effects | https://doi.org/10.46966/msjar.v2i1.12 | Medical Science Journal for Advance Researc | | | | | | |
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساوي | Sadeq Alshimaysawee | A Novel and Efficient Magnetically Recoverable Copper Catalyst for Synthesis of Symmetrical Diaryl Selenides and Sulfides | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10406638.2023.2187849 | Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | | | | | | |
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساوي | Sadeq Alshimaysawee | Recent Advancements in Metallic Drug-Eluting Implants | https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics15010223 | Pharmaceutics | | | | | | |
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساوي | Sadeq Alshimaysawee | Effect of Thyroxine Tablets Treatment on the Oxidative Stress in Hypothyroid Women | http://www.jgpt.co.in/index.php/jgpt/article/download/1312/1206 | Journal of Global Pharma Technology | | | | | | |
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساوي | Sadeq Alshimaysawee | Glycemic State in Urban and Rural Gestational Diabetic Patients | https://doi.org/10.31838/ijpr/2019.11.03.036 | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | | | | | | |
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساوي | Sadeq Alshimaysawee | Survey for Tumor Suppressor Gene CHEK2 1100delC Mutation and its Association with Breast Cancer in Iraqi Women | DOI : 10.35124/bca.2019.19.S1.2111 | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | | | | | | |
أ. م. د. صادق حسن موسى الشميساوي | Sadeq Alshimaysawee | Involvement of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphism with Hypertension in Babylon Province | https://www.jpsr.pharmainfo.in/Documents/Volumes/vol10Issue07/jpsr10071825.pdf | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (JPSR) | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسي ابراهيم | Ahmed mohamed elmorsy ibrahim | Pharmacophore-linked pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidines as EGFR-TK inhibitors: Synthesis, anticancer evaluation, pharmacokinetics, and in silico mechanistic studies | https://doi.org/10.1002/ardp.202100258 | Archive de pharmazie | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسى | Ahmed mohamed elmorsy | Design, Synthesis, biological Evaluation, and molecular docking studies of novel Pyrazolo[3,4-d]Pyrimidine derivative scaffolds as potent EGFR inhibitors and cell apoptosis inducers | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.105325 | Bioorganic Chemistry | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسى | ahmed mohamed elmorsy | In vivo- and in silico-driven identification of novel synthetic quinoxalines as anticonvulsants and AMPA inhibitors | https://doi.org/10.1002/ardp.202000449 | Archive de pharmazie | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسي | AHMED MOHAMED ELMORSY | Design, synthesis, and molecular docking studies of new [1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline derivatives as potential A2B receptor antagonists | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11030-020-10070-w | Molecular Diversity volume 25, pages291–306 (2021) | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسي | Ahmed mohamed elmorsy | Triazoloquinoxalines-based DNA intercalators-Topo II inhibitors: design, synthesis, docking, ADMET and anti-proliferative evaluations | https://doi.org/10.1080/14756366.2022.2080205 | Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry Volume 37, 2022 - Issue 1 | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسي | Ahmed mohamed elmorsy | In vivo Anticonvulsant and Neurotoxicity Evaluation and Docking Study of Promising Novel [1,5]-Benzodiazepine Derivatives | https://dusj.journals.ekb.eg/article_275430.html | Delta University Scientific Journal Vol.05-Iss.02 (2022) 153-186 | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسى | Ahmed mohamed elmorsy | SYNTHESIS AND FUNGICIDAL ACTIVITY OF NEW THIAZOLE DERIVATIVES WERE PREPARED FROM 2-BROMO-1-(3,4-DIMETHYLPHENYL)ETHANONE | https://journals.ekb.eg/article_10820.html | Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science | | | | | | |
احمد محمد المرسى | Ahmed mohamed elmorsy | Antimicrobial screening and pharmacokinetic profiling of novel phenyl-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline analogues targeting DHFR and E. coli DNA gyrase B | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0045206819322059 | Bioorganic Chemistry Volume 96, March 2020, 103656 | | | | | | |