Department of Anesthesia Techniques
Strategic Plan
Teachers' Research
Curricula and materials
Academic curriculum
روابط تساهم في تطوير عمليات التعليم و التعلم
Establishment of the department
Approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to be established in 2022
The department aims to prepare medical staff in anesthesia and intensive care techniques to fill the significant shortage of this specialization in various hospitals and health institutions. In addition, the department’s teachings conduct specialized scientific research and participate in local and international scientific conferences, as well as aim to open postgraduate studies in the exact scientific disciplines of the department in the future.
The department aims to prepare health staff specialized in anesthesia and intensive care techniques working in public and private sector health institutions.
Preparing, operating and monitoring the organization of anesthesia, monitoring and treatment devices in various intensive care units
Preparing the patient before surgery in the operating theatre
Give the patient appropriate doses for anesthesia
Carrying out intensive care tasks for the patient and dealing with narcotic substances
The medical team participates in the clinical input of emergency and life-threatening situations in various places of work (operating theatre and wake- up)
Graduated scientific cadres in the specialties
The student learned how to prepare the drugs and referrals required for anesthesia in the department’s laboratories
Training the student to anesthesia the patient under the supervision of the competent anesthesiologist
Provide students with clinical expertise to help them carry out their customary professional tasks
Continuous evaluation of the quality of academic and clinical study to ensure outstanding educational outcomes
Encourage continuous development and provide a safe learning environment while adhering to professional ethics
Medical technician / anaesthetist