Islamic University, Najaf – The Islamic University in Najaf al-Ashraf commemorated the birth of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (peace be upon him) with its annual major celebration held within the university’s courtyard. The ceremony featured recitations and poems by renowned figures such as Sayyed Hussein Al-Helu, Ali Al-Akrawi, Muhammad Rasoul Al-Humairi, Sayyed Ali Al-Kishwan, and Ihab Al-Maliki.
University president, Professor Dr. Ammar Abdel Amir Al-Salami, was joined by the vice presidents, deans of faculties, department heads, university staff, and a large contingent of students at the celebratory event. A spirit of joy and festivity pervaded the ceremony, with smiles and happiness evident on everyone’s faces.
The event concluded with well wishes for a prosperous and blessed future for all.