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الجامعة الأسلامية

الجامعة الاسلامية

Sponsored by Continuing Education Center at IUN, a workshop about (Speech and Singing Skills) continues on its second day

The second day of the development workshop, Speech and Inshad Skills was held in collaboration with the Religious and Educational Guidance Unit and sponsored by the Islamic University’s Centre for Continuing Education. On Monday, February 19, 2024, a group of twenty male and female students, along with several guidance unit staff members, attended a session led by media trainer Mr. Fadel Al-Badiri, which focused on the art of persuasive speaking. There will be three days in the workshop.
Al-Budairi, in turn, stated that it raised the participants’ inventiveness in public speaking and singing by outlining the components and workings of an effective speaker.
It’s noteworthy that the university, administration, and teaching staff in colleges will always be present at both internal and external seminars and workshops.