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الجامعة الأسلامية

الجامعة الاسلامية

Dealing with others effectively in a development symposium for the Centre for Continuing Education at the Islamic University


The Centre for Continuing Education at the Islamic University, in cooperation with the Faculty of Medical Technologies, Department of Pathological Analysis, held a development symposium entitled “Excellence in Dealing with Other Stereotypes as a Model” presented by Mr. Safaa Al-Asam in the Grand Conference Hall on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, in front of more than 75 male and female students, as well as academic faculty.
Director of the Centre for Continuing Education, Dr. Haider Al-Moussawi, confirmed, “We are working with great energy to launch a plan for our development activities and events at the university.”. Activities will involve both students and faculty.”. (HTH)