Due to the high turnout of auditors at the educational medical clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Islamic University in Najaf Al-Ashraf, it was decided to add 30 dental clinics in addition to a range of other medical supplies with high specifications for training students and the reception and treatment of reviewers free of charge. The addition came after University President Dr. Amar Al Salami visited educational medical clinics at the Old City to provide an environment for dentists on the one hand and treatment services to all patients on the other.
This included the visits of the rector to the departments of medical clinics to observe the level of performance of their staff and also to observe the level of free therapeutic services provided to reviewers, as well as witnessing the workflow and professional commitment of the staff and the fourth- and fifth-year dental students at the University and the treatment they provide to patients and visitors visiting Imam Ali Holy Shrine. (HTH)