Najaf’s Islamic University has devoted a lot of attention to its central library, which provides thousands of specialized books as well as e-books. Its administration receives about 300 students a day from its faculties. The central library also receives about seven to ten postgraduate students every week since it has more than sixteen thousand books in various sciences, as well as many electronic books that are not available in public libraries. On the library’s website, students and researchers can find them. As reported by Mr. Saif Shahid Hajim, the librarian.
“The library provided its patrons with modern computers and the Internet to facilitate research for students and guests of the library, including postgraduate students from various Iraqi universities,” Hajim said to (university media). Additionally, it offered a variety of free books on CDs to help students develop and improve their intellectual and scientific abilities.
The librarian also indicated that “the library lends dozens of books daily to students who choose to take books with them outside the university.”
The tour introduces you to Arabic and foreign books, periodicals, and university publications in Arabic and English, drawn from the library’s collection of books, periodicals, and encyclopedias.
The central library at the university is one of the most significant educational edifices specializing in various sciences in the holy city of Najaf. Additionally, it is a contribution to the academic and research processes for all researchers, scholars, and people working to advance their cultures in a range of fields related to science, culture, and history. This includes not only college students but also all other people in these fields. (HTH)