The Islamic University of Najaf changed this equation when it became the first private and governmental university in Iraq and the Arab countries to receive the YouTube silver shield after the platform’s subscriber count surpassed 100,000. It is customary for artists, athletes, and various artistic production companies to obtain platinum, gold, and silver YouTube shields. This was the culmination of a long trip marked by remarkable media initiatives among his peers in public and private universities around the world.
In addition, the university held a celebration in which Prof. Dr. Ammar Al-Salami, the university president, participated. The ceremony started with blessed verses from the Holy Quran, and Dr. Al-Salami then gave a speech in which he blessed everyone in attendance on the birth of Al-Zahra (pbuh), praised the Media Department’s hard work, and congratulated them on the university channel’s winning the silver shield. Asking the Almighty to grant the Islamic University success in producing more content that benefits scholars and researchers from all over the world on the YouTube platform, in addition to eliminating the prohibition on its Facebook page.
Regarding the university’s YouTube website receiving the silver shield, the director of the university’s media department, Mr. Ali Al-Salami, said, “The university’s obtaining this shield is an additional incentive to add visual content that will appeal to its subscribers on the YouTube platform and its followers on various social media sites.”
Al-Salami indicated that “the silver shield is awarded to the channels that were able to reach 100,000 subscribers on the YouTube platform.” The shield that was awarded is made of nickel, which is a bright and white metal with a solid golden tinge. The shield came in two versions. The new version is the coolest and most beautiful in terms of shape and design.
It is worth noting that the number of subscribers to the Islamic University on YouTube has surpassed 100,000, while the number of followers on the official Facebook page has surpassed 105,479 These statistics came as a result of the university’s media cadres’ tireless efforts to create meaningful content that benefits the audience of social networking sites to effectively communicate its message by developing new and creative ideas that serve the platforms’ pioneers.
The ceremony, which was held in the conference hall of the College of Engineering at the university, was attended by the administrative assistant to the president of the university, Prof. Dr. Hassan Taher Melhem, a number of deans of faculties, heads of departments, and a group of university students.
Mr. Al-Salami, Director of the Department of Information at the University, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medical Technologies, Professor Dr. Rahman Zbiba, to the Head of the Department of Radiology and Sonar Techniques and to the Head of the Department of Pathological Analytics Techniques, Dr. Abbas Al-Mulla, as well as to the master of ceremonies, the student Hussein Al-Shreis in the Department of Radiology and Sonar, to a reader of the Qur’an, Abdul-Sahib Abid Ali, and to all the students present, who were crowded into the celebration hall. (HTH)