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The Department of English at the Faculty of Education holds Symposium on practical education for applied students for the academic year 2021-2022

The Department of English at the Faculty of Education at the Islamic University of Najaf held a symposium on practical education on Monday for students applying for the academic year 2021-2022.

The seminar, which was attended by students from both morning and evening studies, covered the following topics:

– Practical education goals.

– Ethics of the teaching profession.

– The role of the applied student, educational supervisor and scientific supervisor.

– Effective cooperation and training between the applied student, school administration, and teachers.

The symposium, which was held in the Grand Conference Hall, was attended by the Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Nazem Al-Salami, the head of the English language department, Dr. Akram Nazim, and the official of the Applications Committee, Dr. Mudar Al-Jubouri, in addition to the Director of the Preparation and Training Department in the Najaf Governorate Office, Mr. Ali Hussein Wali, and his assistant, Mr. Thamer Al-Jubouri.