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Faculty of Technical Engineering at the Islamic University visited Najaf International Airport to learn about electronic management systems

Students from the Faculty of Technical Engineering’s Department of Computer Technology Engineering visited Najaf International Airport, where the advanced staff provided them with an in-depth explanation of how the airport is managed and maintained using electronic management systems and computer systems.

During the visit, the Najaf Airport Director, Captain Hekmat Ahmed, welcomed the students warmly, stressed the importance of scientific and practical cooperation between the administration and the Department of Computer Technology Engineering and the Airport Administration, and expressed his willingness to cooperate fully.

The field visit for the students of the Computer Technology Engineering Department at the Faculty of Technical Engineering included reviewing the work of the Information Technology Department at the airport, the Security and Safety Department at the airport, the Department of Aircraft Navigational Control and Management, airplanes and smart systems, and the communication tower and how to communicate with aircraft during takeoff and landing.