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In cooperation with the Holy Quran Division, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences holds the 4th annual Quranic competition in recitation and memorization

The Faculty of Islamic Sciences, in cooperation with the Holy Qur’an Division at the IU, held the fourth annual Qur’anic competition in recitation and memorization for university students in the main campus in Najaf and in its two branches in Babylon and Diwaniyah on Tuesday the 30th of October 2021 in the presence of His Eminence Sayyid Sadr Al-Din Al-Qabbanji, the President of the Islamic University, Dr. Ammar Al-Salami, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Professor Dr. Hadi Abdul-Nabi Al-Tamimi, in addition to a number of teachers, representatives of the holy shrines, Quranic centers, and institutions, and a crowd of Islamic University students.
The competition concluded with the following results:
Memorizing the Holy Qur’an:
Al-Hafiz Muhammad Talib Mohsen / first winner.
Al-Hafiz Ali Shahid Al-Mansoori / second winner.
The keeper, Maryam Ahmed Sadiq / third winner.
Recitation of the Holy Quran:
Reciter Salah Mahdi Haroun / first winner.
Reciter Sajjad Amir Abdul-Hussein / second winner.
Reciter Ahmed Nasr Al-Din Al-Moussawi / third winner.
The contest judges were:
Sayyed Adel Al-Yasiri is a judge of the rules of intonation.
His Eminence Sheikh Mahdi Saleh Al-Hamdani as a judge of the quality of memorization.
His Eminence Sheikh Mahdi Qalandar as a judge for the endowment and the start.
Mr. Alaa Al-Sadiqi judged the voice and melody. (HTH)