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Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology Welcomes Establishment of International Conference Between Islamic University of Najaf and University of Isfahan

The Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology’s official website announced the launch of the International Scientific Meeting (The Holy Qur’an and the Arabic Language… Origins and Extensions) as a collaborative international scientific activity between the Islamic University of Najaf and the University of Isfahan in Iran, stating that the conference was supervised by Dr. Hoshank Talbi, President of the University of Isfahan. Simultaneously, she emphasized the importance of hosting such conferences, particularly the involvement of intellectuals and scholars from other nations in the conference’s planning or actual participation in solid scientific research.

Ministry’s report focused on the opening ceremony that took place in Najaf and on the speeches made by Mr. Sadr Al-Din Al-Qabbanji, the Imam of Najaf’s Friday prayer and the Founder of the Islamic University, as well as by Dr. Hoshanak Talebi, President of the University of Isfahan, and Dr. Ammar Al-Salami, President of The Islamic University.

According to the article, the conference began with two scientific sessions in Najaf and then moved to Isfahan on the second day for Dr. Somaya Hassan Alian, the conference’s president, to give an opening speech on the Iranian side, followed by two scientific sessions at the University of Isfahan.

The closing ceremony followed, with Dr. Hakim Al-Kuraiti, the conference’s president, reading the closing speech and the conference’s recommendations on behalf of the Iraqi side.

According to the Iranian Ministry’s report, the conference was distinguished by a recognized scientific position after receiving a reference number from the ISC Center for the Reference for Islamic World Sciences, which signifies that the research published by the Islamic University of Najaf in its scientific magazine achieved a substantial worldwide impact factor, adding scientific value to the conference…