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الجامعة الأسلامية

الجامعة الاسلامية

photo 2021 04 29 10 15 01 Small 2

Deputy Prime Minister: Legal foundations versus political arguments, a panel discussion at the Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law organised a panel discussion entitled “Introducing the Position of Deputy Prime Minister between the Legal Foundations and Political Arguments” on Google Meet on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, for the teaching assistant Intidhar Sawadi Idan Al-Shibli.

She covered two main topics:
1- Legal bases for creating the position and searching in the folds of the constitution and legislative texts.
2 – The existence of political arguments for establishing a position.
In accordance with the constitutional legislator’s desire to limit the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister position only for the first electoral cycle, she recommended enacting the law on ministries based on Article 86 of the Constitution and abolishing the position of Deputy Prime Ministers. (HTH)