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الجامعة الأسلامية

الجامعة الاسلامية

photo 2021 04 27 02 46 56 صغير 2

Announcement… Invitation to attend a panel discussion entitled: “Creating the position of Deputy Prime Minister between Legal Bases and Political Arguments”

Under the patronage of the President of the Islamic University, Prof. Ammar Al-Salami, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Taha Hussein Al-Husseini, the Faculty of Law is holding a panel discussion entitled, “The Creation of the Position of Deputy Prime Minister between Legal Foundations and Political Arguments.” The assistant teacher Intithar Sawadi Aidan Al-Shibli at exactly nine thirty in the evening on Wednesday, the twenty-eighth of April 2021, on the Google Meet platform.

Seminar syllabus:

1- The lecture is given by the assistant teacher Intithar Sawadi Idan Al-Shibli, a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University.

2- Interventions and questions from the audience. (HTH)